35 items found

Cloven country: the devil and the English landscape (2022)

Jeremy Harte

Fables (1821)

John Gay

Curious myths of the middle ages (1897)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1881)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1875)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1873)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1872)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1869)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1868)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Curious myths of the middle ages (1866)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Folklore, myths and legends of Britain (1973)

The Mabinogion (1906)

Charlotte Guest (Lady)

Celtic folklore: Welsh and Manx (1980)

John Rhys (Sir)

Cornwall ([1930?)

Cecily M. Rutley

Local history and folklore: a new framework (1975)

Charles Phythian-Adams

Somerset folk series. 1921-1925 (1921-)

Somerset ..

Traditions, legends, superstitions and sketches of Devon, on the borders of the Tamar & Tavy, in a series of letters to R.Southey (1838)

Anna Eliza Bray

The customs, superstitions and legends of the county of Somerset (1970)

Charles Henry Poole

The customs, superstitions and legends of the county of Somerset (1877)

Charles Henry Poole

Notes on folklore of Northern Counties of England and Borders: with an appendix on household stories by S. Baring-Gould (1866)

William Henderson

Traditions, legends, superstitions and sketches of Devon, on the borders of the Tamar & Tavy, in a series of letters to R.Southey (1838)

Anna Eliza Bray

Somerset folklore (1965)

Ruth L. Tongue

The folklore of Cornwall (1975)

Tony Deane

The Folklore of Somerset (1976)

Kingsley Palmer

Strange survivals: some chapters in the history of man (1905)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

Strange survivals: some chapters in the history of man (1894)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

When fishes flew: a selection of legends & old wives tales from the West Country (1978)

Josephine Poole

Popular romances of the West of England; or, the drolls, traditions & superstitions of Cornwall (1968)

Robert Hunt

Guernsey folk lore: a collection of popular superstitions, legendary tales, peculiar customs ... (1903)

Edgar MacCulloch (Sir)

Nummits and crummits: Devonshire customs, characteristics, and folk-lore (1900)

Sarah Hewett

Strange survivals: some chapters in the history of man (1892)

Sabine Baring-Gould (Reverend)

The folklore of Devon (1977)

Ralph Whitlock

The living stones: Cornwall (1957)

Ithell Colquhoun

Stories, lyrics and legends of the West Country (1908)

Mary Walsh

Bygone days in Devonshire and Cornwall with notes of existing superstitions and customs (1874)

Mary Elizabeth Whitcombe