10 items found

'She may be said to collect from herself': Ruth Tongue the story-teller (2002)

Jeremy Harte

Somerset Folklore: County folklore Vol VIII (1965)

Ruth L. Tongue

The story teller

Judith P. Powe

Somerset folklore (1965)

Ruth L. Tongue

Somerset folklore (1995)

Ruth L. Tongue

The chime child, or, Somerset singers. Being an account of some of them and their songs collected over sixty years (1968)

Ruth L. Tongue

Folktales of England (1965)

Songs and stories of Ruth Tongue, self styled folklorist from Somerset (2009)

Ruth L. Tongue

Somerset folklore (1965)

Ruth L. Tongue

The chime child, or Somerset singers: being an account of some of them and their songs collected over sixty years (1968)

Ruth L. Tongue