13 items found

Titchfield Abbey, Hampshire: history by Rose Graham, description by S.E. Rigold (1969)

Rose Graham

S. Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertines: a history of the only English monastic order (1901)

Rose Graham

Medieval studies presented to Rose Graham (1950)

English ecclesiastical studies (1929)

Rose Graham

Egglestone Abbey, Yorkshire (1976)

Rose Graham

Titchfield Abbey, Hampshire (1954)

Rose Graham

Monk Bretton Priory, Yorkshire (1966)

Rose Graham

The history of the alien priory of Wenlock (1965)

Rose Graham

Beaulieu: the abbey, Palace House and Buckler's Hard (1952)

Rose Graham

An essay on English monasteries (1939)

Rose Graham

Monk Bretton Priory, Yorkshire (1970)

Rose Graham

The Cluniac priory of St.Mary Carswell (1952)

Rose Graham

The Benedictine Priory of St.Nicholas at Exeter (1927)

Rose Graham