9 items found

Lustleigh: records and notes (1971)

Guide to the Parish and Non-Parochial Registers of Devon and Cornwall 1538-1837: Devon and Cornwall Record Society, Extra Series Volume II. (1979)

Hugh Peskett

Guide to the Parish and Non-Parochial Registers of Devon and Cornwall 1538-1837: Devon and Cornwall Record Society, Extra Series Volume II. (1979)

Hugh Peskett

Discover your ancestors: a quest for your roots (1978)

Hugh Peskett

Guide to the parish and non-parochial registers of Devon and Cornwall 1538-1837 (1979)

Hugh Peskett

Heresy in Axminster 1535 (1974)

Hugh Peskett

The joys and sorrows of writing a parish history: some object lessons (1972)

Hugh Peskett

Guide to the parish and non-parochial registers of Devon and Cornwall 1538-1837 (1979)

Hugh Peskett

Guide to the parish and non-parochial registers of Devon and Cornwall 1538-1837. Additions and corrections ... as at ... 1983 (1983)

Hugh Peskett