26 items found

Action stations: 5: military airfields of the South-West (1990, 1990) [5, Military airfields of the South-West]

Chris Ashworth

The Somerset & Dorset: then and now (1986)

Mac Hawkins

The grail seeker's companion: a guide to the Grail quest in the Aquarian age (1986)

John Matthews (Arthurian authority)

The secret tradition in Arthurian legend (1983)

Gareth Knight

Glastonbury: Avalon of the heart (1986)

Dion Fortune

A guidebook to Arthurian Britain (1983)

Geoffrey Ashe

Great locomotives of the Southern Railway (1987)

Oswald Stevens Nock

Somerset and Dorset then and now (1986)

Mac Hawkins

Glastonbury: Avalon of the heart (1995)

Dion Fortune

Railway stations of Britain: a guide to 75 important centres (1990)

Geoffrey Body

Priest and freemason: the life of George Oliver (1988)

R. S. E. Sandbach

Channel Islands railway steamers (1985)

Kevin Le Scelleur

Brunel's `Great Western' (1985)

Denis Griffiths

Great locomotives of the Great Western Railway (1990)

Oswald Stevens Nock

A Glastonbury reader: selections from the myths, legends, and stories of ancient Avalon (1991)

Action stations. Vol. 5: Military airfields of the South-West (1990)

Chris Ashworth

Railways to the coast: Britain's seaside lines past and present (1990)

Michael H. C. Baker

The Arthurian tarot: a hallowquest handbook (1990)

Caitlin Matthews

Hallowquest: tarot magic and the Arthurian mysteries (1990)

Caitlin Matthews

Railways of the Western Region (1989)

Geoffrey Body

Railways of the Southern Region (1989)

Geoffrey Body

Dion Fortune's Glastonbury: Avalon of the heart. (1989)

Dion Fortune

An Arthurian reader: selections from Arthurian legend, scholarship and story (1988)

Covering my tracks: recollections of the end of steam (1988)

Robert Adley

Locomotive engineers of the Great Western Railway (1987)

Denis Griffiths

The Waterloo to Weymouth line (1987)

Michael H. C. Baker