50 items found
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The Western wind (2017)

Samantha Harvey

The second sleep (2019)

Robert Harris

Wyvern summer (1994)

Toby Forward

Upon a dark night (1997)

Peter Lovesey

Bloodhounds (1996)

Peter Lovesey

Supernatural disappearances (1995)

Rodney Davies

The summons (1995)

Peter Lovesey

Wyvern winter (1992)

Toby Forward

The beast of Exmoor: and other mystery predators of Britain (1993)

Di Francis

Patterns in the dust (1985)

Lesley Grant-Adamson

The festival summer (1984)

Kathleen Gooding

Sweet sister Ann (1982)

Angela Kirsten

Three for luck (1985)

Josephine Poole

Sister of the angels: a Christmas story (1954)

Elizabeth Goudge

The little white horse (1946)

Elizabeth Goudge

Hannah Chance (1980)

Josephine Poole

Bunkle scents a clue (1953)

Margot Pardoe

Jason goes west (1955)

John Newton Chance

The Jason affair (1953)

John Newton Chance

Close shave (1952)

Stephen Maddock

Harvest of hate (1952)

Richard Goyne

He should have died hereafter (1957)

Cyril Hare

Mr. Pinkerton has the clue (1946)

David Frome (Pseudonym of Zenith Brown)

The newspaper children (1959)

Mary De La Mahotiere

Round-up on Exmoor: a story about the newspaper children (1961)

Mary De La Mahotiere

Night at the Mocking Widow (1951)

Carter Dickson

Whither do you wander? (1959)

Jerrard Tickell

When the wicked man ... (1934)

J. F. W. Hannay

The house by Exmoor (1976)

Caroline Stafford

The glass island (1978)

Brenda Clarke

Montacute House (2010)

Lucy Jago

The Brothers of Glastonbury (1997)

Kate Sedley

Learning to dance (2013)

Susan Sallis

Landscape of lies (1989)

Peter Watson

Lestrade and the guardian angel (1990)

M. J. Trow

Firetrap (2011)

David Hodges

Blood lies (2001)

Marianne Macdonald

A necessary end (2012)

Hazel Holt

A death in the family (2006)

Hazel Holt

The lost gardens (2005)

Anthony Eglin

No cure for death (2005)

Hazel Holt

The silver pigs (2000)

Lindsey Davis

Superfluous death (1995)

Hazel Holt

Murder on campus (1996)

Hazel Holt

Fatal legacy: a Sheila Malory mystery (1999)

Hazel Holt

Dead and buried (2000)

Hazel Holt

Lilies that fester (2000)

Hazel Holt

The only good lawyer... (1997)

Hazel Holt

Run rabbit (2000)

Josephine Poole

The marriage menders (1999)

Patricia Wendorf