8 items found
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King Arthur's Avalon: The story of Glastonbury (2007)

Geoffrey Ashe

Worlds of Arthur: King Arthur in history, legend and culture (2005)

Fran Doel

The discovery of King Arthur (2003)

Geoffrey Ashe

Worlds of Arthur: King Arthur in history, legend and culture (1999)

Fran Doel

Arthur: the king in the West (1995)

Robert W. Dunning

King Arthur's place in prehistory: the great age of Stonehenge (1992)

W. A. Cummins

King Arthur's place in prehistory: great age of Stonehenge (1994)

W. A. Cummins

King Arthur's place in prehistory: the great age of Stonehenge (1993)

W. A. Cummins