12 items found
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Life in Victorian Bristol (2005)

Helen Reid

Looking back: a Bristol lad in the '30s and '40s (2000)

Brian Milton

Growing up in Totterdown, 1922-36 (1979)

Elsie Lawrance

Bath (1983)

Edith Sitwell

Bristol reflections: a book of memories, 1910-1988 (1988)

Bristol Reflections

Bristol in the fifties (1988)

Bristol ..

Something about Bristol: memories of life in the city from the 1920s to today (1989)

Life in Victorian Bristol (1988)

Anton Bantock

Bath beyond the guide book (1988)

Graham Davis

Muddling through: Bristol in the fifties (1988)

From Stapleton Road to Horfield Halt: a Bristol boyhood 1922-1948 (1988)

Ronald Jack Burnard

Our Joyce (1987)

Joyce Storey