7 items found

Minehead harbour (1999)

J. A. S. Dixon

Birnbeck Pier, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset: an historical and architectural assessment (2022)

Allan Brodie

A book about smuggling in the West Country, 1700-1850 (1984)

Antony D. Hippisley Coxe

Southern history: a review of the history of Southern England (2019) [Vol 40, 2018]

The Bridgwater flatner (c.1960)

A declaration how to saile by seacoasts and havens of Wales: also from the Channell of Bristowe to Englands ende and to the Sorlinges (1625)

William Johnson

Coastal and river trade in pre-industrial England: Bristol and its region 1680-1730 (2000)

David Hussey