12 items found

Transactions of the Devonshire Association (1938) [Extra Vols 1-10, The Hundreds of Devon]

Oswald J. Reichel (Reverend)

Rights of way: restoring the record (2017)

Sarah Bucks

Common form: a formulary of records frequently found in local repositories in England and Wales (2022)

John Booker

Tithe surveys of England and Wales (1985)

R. J. P. Kain

a simplified guide to probate jurisdictions: where to look for wills (1980, )

Jeremy Gibson

Medieval deeds of Bath and district: I. deeds of St. John's Hospital Bath. II. Walker-Henage deeds (1974)

Somerset Record Society

Probate jurisdictions: where to look for wills (2002)

Jeremy Gibson

Wills and other probate records: a practical guide to researching your ancestors' last documents (2004)

Karen Grannum

Old title deeds: a guide for local and family historians (2001)

N. W. Alcock

Coroners' records in England and Wales (1997)

Jeremy Gibson

Camden miscellany (1936) [Vol XVI, ]

On some Anglo-Saxon charters at Exeter (1883)

James Davidson