9 items found
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Tell me about Brunel (1996)

John Malam

What's left of Brunel (1995)

Jonathan Falconer

John Rennie, 1761-1821; the life and work of a great engineer (1963)

Cyril Thomas Goodman Boucher

Brunel's Britain (19--)

Derrick Beckett

Trevithick, the Cornish engineer: a centenary study

John Joseph Beckerlegge

Rendel connection: a dynasty of engineers (1989)

Michael R. Lane

Illustrated & descriptive catalogue of machinery, tools & general ironwork (1973)

Harvey & Company

Isambard Kingdom Brunel: engineering knight errant (1991)

Adrian Vaughan

A biography of Sir Charles Hartley, civil engineer (1825-1915) (1989)

C. W. S. Hartley