35 items found
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The universe versus Alex Woods (2013)

Gavin Extence

The witch of Exmoor (1996)

Margaret Drabble

The Bilbury revels (1994)

Vernon Coleman

Bilbury Grange (1993)

Vernon Coleman

The Bilbury chronicles (1992)

Vernon Coleman

The heart of the country (1987)

Fay Weldon

Moonhills (1935)

Horace Annesley Vachell

The Bodley Head Saki (1963)

Saki (Pseudonym of Hector Hugh Munro)

The Bath comedy (1900)

Agnes Castle

A village match and after (1929)

Malcolm Douglas Lyon

The hill: a romance of friendship (1927)

Horace Annesley Vachell

The disappearance of Martha Penny: a study in revaluations (1934)

Horace Annesley Vachell

Farewell yesterday: a comedy of manners good and bad played in Bath (1946)

Horace Annesley Vachell

Vicars' walk: a chronicle of certain adventures and misadventures, traffics and excursions, in the life of Enoch Saint, chorister, soldier, and Dean's verger (1933)

Horace Annesley Vachell

The Pickwick papers: Otherwise known as: The posthumous papers of The Pickwick Club (1948)

Charles Dickens

Rookery nook (1925)

Ben Travers

In a Devonshire carrier's van: tales told in the Devon dialect  [1, ]

Jan Stewer (Pseudonym of Albert John Coles)

The expedition of Humphry Clinker

Tobias George Smollett

Life and works of Henry Fielding (1840)

Henry Fielding

When rooks speak of love (2009)

Hilary Dixon

The trouble with marriage (2008)

Debby Holt

Going to the wars: a journey in various directions (1957)

John Verney

Death is a word (2014)

Hazel Holt

Bats & belters (2014)

Charles Wood

The understanding of Jenner Ransfield (2000)

Imogen De La Bere

The Guru game (2012)

Tinsley Collins

The Wookey Hole affair (2007)

Martin Miller (Hotelier)

Bed of roses (2005)

Daisy Waugh

Defying gravity (2002)

Stephen Hill

Powder monkey (2002)

Karen Sainsbury

The witch of Wookey Hole (1998)

Beth Webb

Wanted, one dragon (1999)

Beth Webb