11 items found

Dr Jonathan Toogood: the story of the Somerset surgeon who founded Bridgwater Infirmary (2017)

Lesley Sutcliffe

The Taunton Red Cross Hospital 1916-1919: tales from an autograph book (2018)

Jenny Wakefield

The golden jubilee 1951-2001 (c.2001)

League of Friends of South Petherton Hospital

150 years of nursing service at Taunton and Somerset Hospital (1960)

Laurence Dopson

A cottage hospital at war (1990)

Gillian Lindsay

The ladies of the vale (1994)

Andrew Puckett

An act for appointing commissioners to sell and dispose of a certain unfinished building at or near Taunton, in the county of Somerset, intended for a publick hospital or infirmary, and a piece of ... (1792)

Government of Great Britain

Lufton Manor rural training unit (1960s)

National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children

The 67th General Hospital: The Maine Unit (2008)

Maynard Colley

The willow man (2006)

Sue Purkiss

Mendip Hospital: an appreciation (2006)

Susan Marshall