16 items found

The location of John Wood the Elder's 'sols rocks'

Michael Williams

Bath historical pageant daily July 19 to 24, 1909

The follies of Bath

William Tyte

Dance and teachers of dance in eighteenth century Bath

Trevor Fawcett

Georgian Bath: the magical meeting place (1990)

Penelope Corfield

Philosophers of Somerset

Charlotte G. Boger

Elfeah, Elphege, or Alphege

Charlotte G. Boger

Bladud, King of Britain; or the legend of Bath

Charlotte G. Boger

Upon a dark night (1997)

Peter Lovesey

Bloodhounds (1996)

Peter Lovesey

The summons (1995)

Peter Lovesey

Beau Nash: or Bath in the eighteenth century (1879)

William Harrison Ainsworth

Parson Austen's daughter (1949)

Helen Rosaline Ashton

Black sheep (1966)

Georgette Heyer

Mr. Pinkerton has the clue (1946)

David Frome (Pseudonym of Zenith Brown)

The waters of the gap: the mythology of Aquae Sulis (1981)

Bob Stewart