11 items found

Are these the walls of Camelot?

Charles Thomas

In the footsteps of Arthur

Robert Hesketh

Excavations at Cadbury-Camelot, 1966-70

Leslie Alcock

Cadbury: is it Camelot ?

Leslie Alcock

Cadbury-Camelot: a fifteen-year perspective

Leslie Alcock

The Cadbury Castle sequence in the first millenium B.C.

Leslie Alcock

A seventh century AD cemetery at Stoneage Barton Farm

C. J. Webster

Brean Down excavations 1989 and 1991

Martin Bell

Sub Roman cemeteries in Somerset

Philip Arthur Rahtz

Stoneage Barton Farm, Cothelstone

C. J. Webster

Mount Badon again

Dina Portway Dobson