14 items found
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Wells, Somerset ([1900?])

Francis R. Taylor

[Chapter House stairway, Wells Cathedral] ([1900?])

F. R. Rowley

[Lady Chapel, Wells Cathedral] (c.1906)


[Wells Cathedral] (c.1906)

Wells ..

Wells (c.1865)

Wells ..

[Wells Cathedral] (c.1865)

Wells ..

Spirit of Wells Cathedral (2009)

Robert W. Dunning

Wells Cathedral ([1890?])

Catty & Dobson

Wells Cathedral: "the Minster beside the great spring calles Wiela" (2005)

Robert W. Dunning

Tomb of William de Marchia south transept Wells Cathedral ([1870?])

Edward Ashworth

Wells Nov 3 1846 (1846)

Froude, Robert Hurrell [attrib.]

Wells. Nov 6 1846 (1846)

Robert Hurrell Froude (Rector)

The hangings in the quire of Wells Cathedral (1948)

Richard Henry Malden (Dean of Wells)

A concise history of the cathedral church of Saint Andrew in Wells (1814)

John Davis (Historian)