10 items found

Taunton Castle (2016)

C. J. Webster

Obituary: Bernard Joseph Storer (1924-2017) (2019)

David Dawson

Writing the history of Somerset: family, community and religion - essays in honour of Robert Dunning. (2018)

Adrian J. Webb, Andrew Butcher

The mid 18th-century kiln of the 'Pottery House in the Old Park': Dunster (HER PIN MSO9466) (2020)

David Dawson

A group of late 16th cnetury pottery excavated from Pit 13 in the garden of Wells and Mendip Museum, 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset, 1992-1997 (2020)

David Dawson

Obituary: Kenneth J. Barton (1924-2018) (2019)

David Dawson

Late medieval pottery kilns at Newport, Pembrokeshire, and the recording and nterpretation of pottery production sites. (2021)

David Dawson, Oliver Kent

The development of the bottle kiln in pottery manufacture

David Dawson

Pottery from a medieval garderobe pit behind Wells and Mendip Museum

David Dawson

Somerset and the defence of the Bristol Channel in the Second World War (2011)

David Dawson