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Eighteenth century vignettes (1892-)

Austin Dobson

Proverbs in porcelain to which is added Au revoir, a dramatic vignette (1893)

Austin Dobson

Poems (selected) (1905)

Austin Dobson

Old-world idylls and other verses (1885)

Austin Dobson

Old-world idylls and other verses (1893)

Austin Dobson

The ballad of Beau Brocade and other poems ot the XVIIIth century (1903)

Austin Dobson

The ballad of Beau Brocade and other poems ot the XVIIIth century (1892)

Austin Dobson

At the sign of the lyre (1885)

Austin Dobson

Thomas Bewick and his pupils (1889)

Austin Dobson

Eighteenth century vignettes ([1896?)

Austin Dobson

The story of Rosina and other verses (1895)

Austin Dobson