10 items found

Woodland management and woodland product trade around Porlock

Philip Ashford

The return of the Porlock pill: change and maintenance

Philip Ashford

The return of Porlock Pill: coastal change-eighteenth century

Philip Ashford

Exmoor horns

Philip Ashford

Exmoor Forest historical update, 1650-1730

Philip Ashford

Are Exmoor Horns Welsh?: DNA secrets of sheep breeds revealed

Philip Ashford

The return of Porlock pill: coastal change at Porlock Beach and Porlock Weir and maintainance in the eighteenth century (2000)

Philip Ashford

Woodland management and woodland product trade around Porlock: a history (2004)

Philip Ashford

Exmoor forest historical update 1650-1730 (2006)

Philip Ashford

Are Exmoor Horns Welsh?: DNA secrets of sheep breeds revealed (2007)

Philip Ashford