10 items found

Proceedings 2015 (2016) [73, 2015]

Devon Archaeological Society

Proceedings 2014 (2015) [72, 2014]

Devon Archaeological Society

A Romano-British and post-medieval road at Honeyditches Seaton (1972)

Sheila H. M. Pollard

The excavation of medieval and later features at New Street, Bideford (1989)

Andrew M. Lovatt

Bideford town quay (1992)

Andrew Pye

Excavation of the medieval and later water front at Dung Quay, Plymouth (2003)

Peter M. Stead

Evidence for high status at sea: the Church Rocks wreck (2004)

Chris Preece

Tin ingots from Bigbury Bay, South Devon (1995)

Aileen Fox (Lady)

Bideford town quay (1992)

Andrew Pye

Martinhoe Beacon: the Roman fortlet (1991)

Devon Archaeological Society