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The Mayor of Crediton, Jenni Pitts, with some of the Britain in Bloom entries. 5.8.94 (1994)

Derek Meredith

Chairman Eileen Perkins , right, and judge Julia Perkins examine some of the entries at the Aylesbeare, Farringdon and District flower and vegetable show. 5.9.92 (1992)

Derek Meredith

Stephen Scarn judges entries at the Lympstone Flower Show, watched by show chairmanStephen martin. 20.8.88 (1988)

Derek Meredith

Judge Alan French and show secretary Eileen Perkins examine some of the entries at the Aylesbeare, Farringdon and District flower and produce show. 5.9.88 (1988)

Derek Meredith

Whimple flower show judges Gillian White, Gordon Newton and Henry Stevens with members of the committee. 13.8.94 (1994)

Derek Meredith