8 items found
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The Fighting At Jutland: The personal experiences of forty-five officers and men of the British Fleet. Edited by H.W.Fawcett an G.W.W.Hooper. (1921)

H.W. Fawcett

The Daily News correspondence of the war between Germany and France 1870 -1871: complete in one volume, edited with notes and comments with maps and plans. (1871)


All Souls and appeasement: A contribution to contemporary history (1961)

A. L. Rowse

Military Operations France and Belgium, 1915: Battles of Aubers Ridge, Festubert, and Loos.: History of the Great War based on official documents by direction of the historical section of the ... (1928)

James E. Edmonds

Military Operations France and Belgium, 1915: Battles of Aubers Ridge, Festubert, and Loos.: A boxed collection of 11 loose maps. (1915)

James E. Edmonds

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. Volume II.: The record of a journey through Yugoslavia in 1937. In two volumes. (1943)

Rebecca West

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. Volume I.: The record of a journey through Yugoslavia in 1937. In two volumes. (1943)

Rebecca West

Sea Warfare (1916)

Rudyard Kipling