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Mrs Opie (1855)

John Opie

The chariots of the land (1905)

Joseph Hocking

Cousins in Devon ([1920?)

Amy Le Feuvre

The old Worcester jug ; or, John Griffin's little maid (18--)

Eglanton Thorne

Little Maid Marigold (19--)

Eleanor H. Stooke

The black troopers and other stories ([1880?)

Tales of three centuries: 16th century, a Huguenot family ;17th century, the Pilgrim fathers .. (1---)

Henriette Guizot  De Witt

Christie's old organ or home sweet home (1---)

O. F. Walton

On the edge of a moor ([1920])

Amy Le Feuvre

What happened to Peg ([1920?)

Archie Cecil Osborn Hann (Mrs)

What the brownies did ([1920?)

Archie Cecil Osborn Hann (Mrs)

Waiting for sailing orders: fisher-life at Land's End ([1870?)

George Gladstone (Mrs)

The Doones of Exmoor (1863)