11 items found

Killer ball at Honeychurch Hall (2016)

Hannah Dennison

Banns of marriage (1956)

Tom Ingram

Woburn and the Russells (1980)

Georgiana Blakiston

Bess: the life of Lady Ralegh, wife of Sir Walter (2004)

Anna Beer

Family pedigrees (1930)

John Horace Round

Growing up in the forties (1997)

The Seymour family: history and romance (1911)

A. Audrey Locke

The House of Cecil (1914)

G. Ravenscroft Denis

The firm of Cadbury 1831-1931 (1931)

Iolo A. Williams

The Cavendish family (1911)

Francis Lawrence Bickley

Combat and carnival (1954)

Peter Carew