31 items found

North Somerset and Bristol (1973)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Yorkshire: the North Riding (1966)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Surrey (1971)

Ian Nairn

Wiltshire (1976)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Warwickshire (1966)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Staffordshire (1974)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Northumberland (1957)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Dorset (1972)

John Newman

West Kent and the Weald (1969)

John Newman

Gloucestershire (1970) [2, The Vale and the Forest of Dean]

David Verey

North-west and south Norfolk (1962)

Nikolaus Pevsner

North East and East Kent (1969)

John Newman

Gloucestershire (1970) [1, The Cotswolds]

David Verey

Derbyshire (1978)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Oxfordshire (1974)

Jennifer Sherwood

North-east Norfolk and Norwich (1962)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Herefordshire (1963)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Cumberland and Westmorland (1967)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Cambridgeshire (1970)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Buckinghamshire (1960)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Berkshire (1966)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Devon (2001)

Bridget Cherry

Dorset (1972)

John Newman

Cornwall (1970)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Cornwall (1951)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Woman's domain: women & the English Country House (1990)

Trevor Lummis

Devon (1989)

Bridget Cherry

South and West Somerset (1958)

Nikolaus Pevsner

South Devon (1952)

Nikolaus Pevsner

North Devon (1952)

Nikolaus Pevsner

Medieval carvings in Exeter cathedral (1953)

C. J. P. Cave