21 items found
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Tryphena in love (1895)

Walter Raymond

Two men o' Mendip (1899) [, ]

Walter Raymond

Tryphena in love; and Young Sam and Sabina (1912)

Walter Raymond

Gossip corner (1907)

Walter Raymond

Fortune's darling (1901)

Walter Raymond

Young Sam and Sabina; and Tryphena in love (1933) [3, ]

Walter Raymond

Under the spreading chestnut tree: a volume of rural lore and anecdote (1928)

Walter Raymond

A wayfaring soul (1913)

Walter Raymond

Taken at his word (1892) [2, ]

Walter Raymond

Taken at his word (1892) [1, ]

Walter Raymond

The revenues of the wicked (1911)

Walter Raymond

Jacob and John (1905)

Walter Raymond

Good souls of cider-land (1901)

Walter Raymond

Charity chance (1897)

Walter Raymond

No soul above money (1900)

Walter Raymond

In the smoke of war: a story of civil strife (1895)

Walter Raymond

Gentleman Upcott's daughter (1892)

Walter Raymond

Love and quiet life: Somerset idylls (1900)

Walter Raymond

Misterton's mistake (1888)

Walter Raymond

Verity Thurston (1926)

Walter Raymond

Gentleman Upcott's daughter (1892)

Tom Cobbleigh (Pseudonym of Walter Raymond)