16 items found

Medieval priests of St. Cuthbert's, Wells and their housing (2014)

Tony Scrase

Coping with change: the sixteenth century vicars choral of Wells

Tony Scrase

Two small ecclesiastical estates in Wells pt. II: the succentor's lands and conclusions (2010)

Tony Scrase

Medieval town houses: Wells and Bristol compared (2016)

Tony Scrase

History around Wells (2002) [6, October 2002]

Wells Local History Workshop

History around Wells (2005) [9, February 2005]

Wells Local History Workshop

Crosses, conduits and other street furniture in the south west of England (1990s)

Tony Scrase

Wells corporation properties and the altars of Saint Cuthbert's

Tony Scrase

The Rise and fall of the brewing industry in the Wells area: 18th-20th century

Tony Scrase

More on the Mawdeleys

Tony Scrase

Godwyn or Lynge: a Wells problem, c. 1406-1560

Tony Scrase

The Bishop and the Guild: the Wells crisis of 1341-3

Tony Scrase

A french merchant in fourteenth century Wells

Tony Scrase

Wells: a pictorial history (1992)

Tony Scrase

Somerset towns: changing fortunes 800-1800 (2005)

Tony Scrase

Wells: a small city (2006)

Tony Scrase