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Pool on a hilltop: Kestor Rock (2000)

Clive Jenkins

Hameldown: its tors and rocks explained (1999)

Tim Jenkinson

Lost tors of Dartmoor (1998)

Tim Jenkinson

The lesser known tors beneath Down Tor: naming and locating (1997)

Tim Jenkinson

The lesser known tors of Dartmoor - [Little Whit - Sharp] (1996)

Tim Jenkinson

The lesser known tors of Dartmoor - [Kingshead - Little King] (1996)

Tim Jenkinson

The lesser known tors of Dartmoor - [Corndon - Hexton] (1996)

Tim Jenkinson

The lesser known tors of Dartmoor - [Ashbury - Cleave] (1995)

Tim Jenkinson

The mysterious Dartmoor Tors: theories on their formation (1995)

John Gerrard