16 items found

South-Western farming in South-Western fiction (1972)

George E. Fussell

The changing structure of agriculture and the position of the small farmer (1972)

Robert C. Hine

Some aspects of the development of English dairying, 1860-1930, and their relation to the South-West (1972)

David Taylor

Who improved the eighteenth century longhorn cow? (1981)

Nicholas C. Russell

The marketing of agricultural produce in metropolitan western England in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (1973)

John A. Chartres

The 1801 crop returns for Cornwall (1973)

Mark Overton

Sheep, enclosures and watermeadows in Dorset agriculture in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (1973)

J. H. Bettey

The High farming era in Cornish agriculture (1972)

John Rowe

Devon agriculture in the mid-eighteenth century: The evidence of the Milles enquiries (1969)

Robin Stanes

Regional variations in food consumption among agricultural labours, 1790-1860 (1981)

John Rule

Some cultivation techniques in the South-West of England (1981)

C. A. Jewell

The diffusion of drill husbandry 1731-1850 (1981)

Robert Wilkes

Landlord and tenant and husbandry covenants in eighteenth century Devon (1981)

Robin Stanes

Change and continuity in Wiltshire agriculture: the later middle ages (1981)

John Hare

Experiment in ancient agriculture (1969)

H. C. Bowen

Agricultural history in the South-West (1969)

Michael Ashley Havinden