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Topsham and the Duke of Monmouth (1911)

Roger Granville (Reverend)

The design for the betrayal of Monmouth ... assault of Shelford ... (1888)

The Duke of Monmouth's case with all the very strange crimes... alleged against his grace, in a whole dozen of articles (1977)

Duke of Monmouth ([1953])

D. J. Porritt

Copies of the informations and original papers relating to the horrid conspiracy against the late King ... and the government (1685)

Thomas Sprat

A true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against the late King, his present Majesty, and the government .. (1685)

Thomas Sprat

Mr. Crofts: the King's bastard : a biography of James, Duke of Monmouth (1649-1685) ([1929])

Lewis Melville

King Monmouth: being a history of the career of James Scott The Protestant Duke 1649-1685 (1902)

Allan Fea