9 items found

Down to earth (2024)

Victoria Eveleigh

The heritage of Darshill, Ham and Bowlish (2022)

Darshill & Bowlish Conservation Society

Microfungi on land plants: an identification handbook. (1997)

Martin B. Ellis, J. Pamela Ellis

Somerset dandelions (Taraxaum) 2019 update (2020)

Simon J. Leach

Keeping South Somerset's orchards alive

The elm, with a notice of some remarkable varieties in the Victoria Park, Bath (1902)

T. Frederic Inman

Orobanche minor var. compositarum in Somerset

Helena J. Crouch

Somerset native poplars network: a summary of recent work on Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia

Mark Anderson

Willows (1972)

S. C. Warren-Wren