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The world, the YMCA and I: project on the history of the YMCA (c.1966)

J. Hinton

Third report (season 1903 to 1904): also list of members, rules and objects and other matters of interest connected with the Society

Somerset Men in London

Second report (season 1902 to 1903): also list of members, rules and objects and other matters of interest connected with the Society

Somerset Men in London

Fourth report (season 1904 to 1905): also list of members, rules and objects and other matters of interest connected with the Society

Somerset Men in London

First report (season 1901 to 1902): also list of members, rules and objects and other matters of interest connected with the Society

Somerset Men in London

Fifth report (season 1905 to 1906): also list of members, rules and objects and other matters of interest connected with the Society

Somerset Men in London

The Y. M. C. A.

Fred A. McKenzie

The gentlemen's society at Spalding: its origin and progress (1851)

William Moore