383 items found
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Coping with change: the sixteenth century vicars choral of Wells

Tony Scrase

Who wrote 'a fool's bolt...'?: a tale of two Somerset rectors

John Richards

Sepulchral slabs with crosses in Devon churches

Stumps Cross

Somerset clergy, continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy continued

Somerset clergy concluded

Remembering the Rectory

Gordon Strong

Robin Hood and the churchwardens in Yeovil

James David Stokes

Visit of Bishops to Glastonbury, August 3, 1897: order of service

Penance in churches 1623-1629

The prebendaries of Wells Cathedral 1551

Notes on some of the rectors of Stratton-on-the-Fosse

Index or table of contents of Abbot Monington's Secretum in the Bodleian Library Oxford

Holy Trinity: Nailsea churchwardens 1742-1795

Friths about the churchyard at Winsham

Extract... churchwardens account book 1795

Excommunication of Somerset clergy 1389

Early references to clergy of Dorset and Somerset, continued

Early references to clergy in Dorset and Somerset

The Bishop and the Guild: the Wells crisis of 1341-3

Tony Scrase

Churchwardens' accounts, St. John's Glastonbury

Churchwardens' accounts, St. John's Glastonbury

Churchwardens' accounts, St. John's Glastonbury

Churchwardens' accounts, St. John's Glastonbury

Churchwardens' accounts, St. John's Glastonbury

Churchwardens' accounts, St. John's Glastonbury

The canons of Buckland

Bishop Baines and his 1840 Lenten Pastoral

E. B. Stuart

Beckington churchyard

Ancient churchwardens' accounts, Wrington

Harry Mengden Scarth

Ancient form of election to Deanery of Wells

New curate for Wedmore

Eddie Wills

William Holland

R. L. Winstanley

Canon L R Wilson: obituary

R. L. Winstanley

St. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln

Edward Charles Wickham

Bishop Beckynton

George Williams (1800s)

The two Thomas Chards

Walter Harold Wilkin