12 items found

Torre Abbey souvenir guide (2000)

Michael Rhodes

Bay view (2002)

Devon county structure plan 2001 to 2016: explanatory memorandum and written statement, adopted October 2004 (2005)

Plymouth City Council

Devon county structure plan 2001 to 2016: written statement policies and proposals (adopted October 2004) (2004)

Plymouth City Council

Devon county structure plan 2001 to 2016: the authorities statement of decisions and reasons in respect of the objections to the plan's proposals (2004)

Plymouth City Council

Torre Abbey: souvenir guide (2000)

Torbay Council

Regenerating the South West of England & objective 2 (2000)

Torbay Council

Provisional local transport plan for Torbay 2000-2004, July 1999 (1999)

Torbay Council

Transport policies and programme for Torbay 1999 (1998)

Torbay Council

Transport policies and programme for Torbay 1999 (1998)

Torbay Council

Transport policies & programme for Torbay 1999 (1998)

Torbay Council

Arts directory 1999 (1999)

Torbay Council