16 items found

Ted Hughes (2008)

Susan Bassnett

Jean Rhys (2004)

Helen Carr

Thomas Hardy (2004)

Peter Widdowson

D.M. Thomas (2004)

Bran Nicol

John Fowles (2003)

William Stephenson

A history of Tavistock Cricket Club 1849-1999: 150 years of cricket at The Ring (1999)

Gerry Woodcock

Sylvia Plath (1998)

Elisabeth Bronfen

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1997)

Stephen Bygrave

Thomas Hardy (1996)

Peter Widdowson

Charlotte Yonge (1996)

Alethea Hayter

Journey of a lifetime: from the Blue Mountains of South India to the Ten Tors and Commonwealth expeditions (1996)

Lionel Gregory

Jean Rhys (1995)

Helen Carr

A ring-o-roses (1989)

Wendy Slater

Your child needs you: a positive approach to Down's syndrome (1988)

Joyce Mepstead

The crash and the coming crisis (1988)

Guy Galletly

How to use a library: a guide for students and young people (1987)

Elizabeth King