21 items found

YAT News: Newsletter of the York Archaeological Trust (1983)

York Archaeological Trust

The work of the York Archaeological Trust in 1985 (1985)

P. V. Addyman

Making archaeology matter: quarrying and archaeology in the Trent Valley (2006)

David Knight

Jorvik Viking Centre: The most exciting journey in a thousand years

2000 years of York - the archaeological story (1978)

Richard Hall

Jorvik - Viking age York (1980s?)

R. A. Hall

Hunting for History: Community archaeology in greater York 2005-2010 (2010)

City Walls: York City Walls, 2000 years in 2 miles

Yorkshire archaeology today, no.21 (2011)

Interim: bulletin of the York Archaeological Trust (09/1973)

Looking back at Hungate (2012?)

Northern Archaeology Today (2016) [Issue 10, December 2016]

Jorvik Viking Centre: official guide (1980s?)

Medieval craft and mystery: Discovering the people behind York's mystery plays (2012)

Nicola S. H. Rogers

Sources for York history to AD 1100 (1998)

D. W. Rollason

Treasures of York (2004)

Christine Kyriacou

Rich in all but money: Life in Hungate 1900-1938 (2007)

Van Wilson

Jorvik Viking Centre: Guidebook

Yorkshire Archaeology Today No. 10 (2006)

YAT news: Newsletter of the York Archaeological Trust (1985)

York Archaeological Trust

Your guide to the Viking Kingdom of Jorvik (1970s?)