8 items found

Morris & Co.'s commercial directory and gazetteer of Somersetshire with Bristol (1872) [2, Bristol area]

Morris & Company

Morris & Co.'s commercial directory and gazetteer of Somersetshire with Bristol (1872) [1, Somerset area]

Morris & Company

Morris & Co's commercial directory and gazetteer of Somersetshire with Bristol 1872 (1872)

Morris & Co.'s commercial directory and gazetteer of Devonshire. (1870)

Morris and Co.'s commercial directory and gazetteer of Somersetshire, with Bristol (1872)

Morris & Company

Morris's directory for Devonshire

Morris & Company

Commercial directory and gazetter of Devonshire (1870)

Morris & Company

A view on the Tamar near the Ware (1791)

Morris & Company